First-Aid Kit for Your Vacation

Reisefertig – eine kleine Apotheke sollte keinesfalls im Koffer fehlen.

Finally, time for the kids – the suitcases are packed and you’re ready to go. Everyone looks forward to family vacations to make up for all the other times in the year when time is short for each other. To make sure that vacation pleasures do not get marred by stress, make sure you are prepared for small health challenges. Scrapes and cuts and minor illnesses can be quickly dealt with with a first-aid kit assembled with your pediatrician to fit the needs of your children and the challenges of your destination.

First-Aid Kit

  • Wound ointment for cuts, scrapes, minor burns, such as Betaisodona unguent, or Baneocin unquent
  • Sun creme or lotion to protect against UV-A and UV-B rays, waterproof, high protection factor
  • Wound dressing material (Peha haft), band-aid, scissors, tweasers, desinfectant
  • Fever thermometer and Nureflex liquid to lower fever (Dosage, half of the body weight, for instance 20 kilos = 10 mililiters liquid, up to 4 times daily)
  • Anti-nausea renedies( for instance Emedyl suppositories or Nux vomica Globuli 3 x 5 globuli daily)
  • Diarrhea : Normolyt over the duration of the condition, grated apples, bananas, anis-fennil-caraway tea
  • Swelling –reducing nose drops such as Fenitroal, Nasivin, Otrivin
  • infection-reducing ear drops (Betneseol ear drops, for instance)
  • Anti-histamine gel for insect stings, mild sunburn (Fenistil gel)
  • Cortisone milch for major sunburn, inflamation as reaction to an insect sting (for instance, Advantan milk, applied at least 2 times a day

For more information visit I wish you a lovely vacation.