Roaming Testicles: Should I be Concerned?

The descent of the testicles into the scrotum is normally complete in your 35th week of pregnancy. But one or neither of the testicles can be felt in the scrotum in about three of 100 newly born males, In most cases, they are still in the inguinal canal or in the stomach region. In such cases, the testicles often descend by the third month of infancy. The chances of such a spontaneous descent are next to none, however, once the child reaches six months, and one of a hundred male infants still has undescended testicles by the age of one. Lack of urgent treatment in such a case increases the risk of limited potency and  the chance of testicular cancer. Make sure that your hands are not cold when examining the scrotum for the location of the testicles. That or an inadvertently harsh touch makes the scrotum contact and sends the testicles upward into the inguinal canal or the stomach region. An ultrasound should be made if the testicles cannot be felt by the third motnh. Further action (hormonal therapy, operation) should be discussed with your pediatrician.

If you notice that the scrotum is empty but the testicles are then palpable in a warm bath, then your child has a harmless case of retractable testis.